Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Big Win for the Hill-ster

From one woman to another: Yay, Hillary!

Now back to hating her.

But seriously, I guess if I had to pick a Democratic candidate, I would rather have a puppy-kicking spawn of Satan than an inexperienced moron. Okay maybe "puppy-kicking" is a little much.

At least Hillary answers the hard questions, and she has had to overcome so much media hatred. Not to mention she deals with so much crap on a daily basis (I mean Bill).

Obama has had it very easy up until recently, and now he is refusing to answer the tough questions that are FINALLY being asked of him.

It's just nice to see her kick a little butt, especially since Obama had become so smug over his now basically non-existent lead.

We know all of Hillary's nasty past. We've dragged out her voting record. We've laughed at her crocodile tears. While Obama, meanwhile, went along unscathed because he didn't have a nasty voting record, because most of the time he didn't vote (he was marked present, and apparently that should be enough).

So hooray for you, Hellary.

Also, kudos on this zinger of a quote: “I think that I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. Sen. John McCain has a lifetime of experience that he’d bring to the White House. And Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002.”


Note to Self: Hating your rival more than you is the sincerest form of flattery.

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