Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No, no, Speed Racer...

This looks like it is going to be crap.

Speed Racer trailer – looks horrible:

I mean, you would think they would want to market this to the nostalgic, older crowd - especially since that's all who will want to see it. But no. It looks more like they are marketing to the low brain function crowd. I'm sadly disappointed.

Now I realize they were trying to keep elements of the original animation art, but who wouldn't say that the original show sucked in the animation technology area. They shouldn't have dumbed it down. They just should have made it more awesome instead. The nostalgics would have understood, and the young-ins who didn't grow up with the series would stare at us old people in wonder at how cool our childhood must have been to have watched such an awesome show.

In a side note, the Halo movie is set to come out in 2009.
*Crossing fingers*
I hope it doesn't suck, but I know I'm probably asking a lot.
(By the way: Yes, I am a girl. Yes, I like Halo. No, I have a boyfriend already.)

Note to Self: When making movies, always assume your audience consists of more than drooling 3 month olds who are enthralled by seizure-inducing flashes of color.

1 comment:

colbymarshall said...

yeah, this one is going to suck...a lot.