Sunday, June 12, 2011

As Time Goes By...

A whole lot has happened since my last post here at "Note to Self," so here is a nice updated profile for my long-lost blog buddies as well as any newcomers who may drift by. (To see my old profile from when I first started, look here.)

I am driven back to blogging by the strange call of the blogging world. Among these posts, you will find knowledge often beyond your understanding - mostly because I made it up, and I'm probably a little insane. In fact, I'm pretty sure I need medication. And if you find yourself nodding endlessly to my ramblings, you probably need medication too.

I am still short and sweet, only maybe I have lost some of the sweet in the past year.

Armed with an MBA, I work tirelessly as a manager in retail, and I love every freaking minute of it. (Mostly because it provides me with so much good material.)

I am still hopelessly devoted to a man with a badge and a gun, only now I get to call him "Sarge" when he ticks me off.

I still own tons of shoes, but most of them are now flats instead of heels. I also still have my trusty .38 detective special.

My one fuzzy baby somehow turned into 3 hairy teenagers. Panther, the 4 .lb Yorkie, is joined by Bear, the 90 .lb German Shepherd, and Maya, the most loving (and needy) lab mix we will ever rescue. As a unit, they are known as "the kids" or "El Destructo".

And as always, I still don't care if you don't like what I have to say. If I upset you, don't go away mad... just go away. Debate is encouraged here. Anything beyond that, and you will be labeled properly with either "troll" or "bored middle school child".

Note to Self: Glad to be back...

My revolver has a first name, it's B-E-S-S-Y.
My revolver has a second name, it's C-O-L-T-Y.
I keep her with me every day,
And if you ask me "why?" I'll saaaaaaaaay...

'Cause Bessy sure does have a way of keeping me safe every day.


Rusti said...

new blog follower, been following on Twitter for a while, and I just HAVE to say - I love your profile and I LOVE the song. Is it copyrighted or can I sing it too? ;)

Peter Parkour said...

Cute kids. All indoors, outdoors, or a mix?

Sorry my survey missed you. :( Oh well. You can still come and enjoy the results as they roll in. ;)

Take care, MJ.

MrsMonicaLB said...

nice profile!loving your "babies" esp Bear,beautiful dog! reminds me of our Pepper who is now in doggie heaven.welcome back to blog land!

MJ said...

R - Why hullo there! I have been watching you on Twitter as well, and yes of course you can sing my song. It's an American right, no? ;)

PP - They are all indoor dogs. And just FYI: Once you hit 3 dogs, you cannot walk in your house without one being in the way. I'm not sure why it's so different than 2, but it is... Hate to have missed a good survey, but I will definitely dip in to see the results.

M - Good to see you follow me from Twitter! Thank you for the warm welcome :)

Dorkys Ramos said...

Welcome back, girl! It's been foreverrr! Glad to hear you're just as crazy as before :p

Anonymous said...

Sooooo glad to have you back in blogland!

TheVinylVillager said...

so glad to have ya back!!

colbymarshall said...

I'm ready to meet Maya in person ;-)