Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Short and Sweet and Scrubs

Another day, another work hour I can spend writing in my own blog.

The writer's strike is over! Yay! At ign.com you can find out what long-term effect the strike had on your favorite show. Personally, I'm just glad to know that the final season of Scrubs will be finished up. Although it's looking bleak as to when it will air, if ever.

I found a really fun website today where you can create your own ice cream flavor, complete with your own mix-ins. Of course, buying a gallon of it will cost you about $75 a pop. Plus an added fee for shipping in a refrigerated unit (about $40). Well, at least it's fun to just think about the flavors you could make... I personally would go for Dutch chocolate and stout flavors, with mix-ins of cashews and chocolate chunks. I call it, wait for it... Beer Nuts. Duh.

A few primary races are today, but for some reason, I could not care less. I just can't glue myself to the predictions or the results today as I normally can. This is probably because the candidates left in both parties simply scream "YOUR FUTURE IS GOING TO SUCK!"

I finished up my second assignment for my MBA law class today. It was actually pretty interesting. He gave us two different cases and asked us to find all of the torts we could possibly find in each case. I found 19 in the first case and 11 in the second, for a total of 30 torts. Apparently, people usually can find between 25 and 50. I'll leave the 50 to the law students...

The boss took me out to lunch today, just us. We had one of the best conversations I can remember. It will be a great day when we can sit together without the awkward silence.

Short and sweet today. I don't have much to say.
I really need some coffee.

Note to Self:
Scrubs, the stuff philosophy is made of.

"I know this is tough for you, what with you being psychotic and all..."
- JD

"And I know, I know, here I'm supposed to be Dr. Give-A-Crap, but you want to know the gods-honest truth? And this is a fact: you are what you eat and you *clearly* went out and devoured a big fat guy, didn't you?"
- Dr. Cox


Anonymous said...

glad you sent the link for your blogs. I really feel like i have lost touch with everyone... we used to do things together more often. Anyhow, i will be excited if we can all plan a trip to atlanta and savannah. :o) let me know what you think

MJ said...

I'm a little broke, so it can't be a very long trip. Maybe when it warms up, we will all go down to Tybee for a day. A little getaway sounds good :)