Monday, September 17, 2007

Another Monday.

It always seems like Mondays leave me with the most emotion to write.

So, we are finally all moved out of our house. I'll be staying with my aunt for the next few weeks as our new place is built. My mother and I have been butting heads for the last few weeks, and until the new place is finished, we are forced to share a bathroom. Not a good thing. We are both so used to having our own space, and now we are fighting for mirror time like two teenagers. Of course, there is no compromise. She gets what she wants "because I'm your mother, and I pay the bills." I told her last night that I may not be moving with her as soon as the house is finished since my aunt's is so close to work. I think it may have hurt her feelings, but it doesn't bother me considering the total lack of feelings she has had for anything I have said the past few months.

I have figured up a budget for when I move out of the house, and now I think I am going to sit down and figure up a budget for how to save money up until then.

Doug and I went camping this past weekend with some friends of ours. It was really fun, even though we did get rained on, it was hot as crap, and I am dying from the itch from all the mosquito bites I got on the trip. I have no idea how I got so many, since I'm sure I used half a can of bug spray - and we were only there for the day Saturday and Sunday morning.

Hopefully this week will go better than last. I'm hoping to get more sleep, and one of my MBA projects will at least be over with. Now I just need to finish reading this book I have to write a review on (due next week!). I'm not even halfway through yet.

I hope Doug will call me for lunch today. I could really use the smiling encouragement from him today.

Note to Self: "Be prepared" shouldn't just be a boy scout's motto. Cortisone cream should be a medicine cabinet staple for anyone living in the Southeast US, and bug spray and sunscreen are a must if you are going camping. Also, when fighting with a parent, be prepared to simply be outranked - even if you are right.

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