Sunday, October 12, 2008

Note to Sunshine:

Five years.
Wow. It's hard to believe it's been that long. I have days where I feel like it's been much longer than that. I have days where I feel like it hasn't been that long at all.

I still remember very clearly the day we met. You and that sexy guitar... in the church band no less :)

We dated, a summer fling, but we still had so much growing up to do.
I'm glad we did. Because this time it was perfect. We both thought we were in love with other people, but it only took spending time with each other, really becoming friends, to find out what true love was.

In one of my hardest times, you had become my only friend in the world. It turned out the ones I had were not as devoted to me as I had thought. But your friendship was unfailing, and you knew you could turn to me in your bad times too. I'll never get over the way I felt about you then, wondering if you would ever love me as more than a friend again. Hiding my feelings from you, because I couldn't risk losing the only friend I had left. I loved it when you called on me for support. I loved it every time you asked me for advice. I wanted so badly to tell you how much I cared about you.

It was you that told me you loved me first. And it felt so right to say it back.

Now, that's a vivid memory in my mind.
Best. Kiss. EVER.
And the "I love you"s haven't stopped since.

Five years.
Wow. We've been through so much in that time. We both graduated from college. We both moved out. We both got "real" jobs. All with a whole lot of fun mixed in.

I have loved you so much.

I loved you when we kissed on that back porch in Milledgeville.
I loved you when you gave me my two-year gift that I wear every day.
I loved you when we walked on the beach in Destin.
I loved you when you came to every game I danced at in college.
I loved you when we shopped for hours in Irvine.
I loved you when you took endless pictures with me at graduation.
I loved you when we enjoyed the sunset together in Monterey.
I loved you when we held hands while we slept.
I loved you when we listened to the seals in SanFrancisco.
I loved you when my mother realized how happy you make me.
I loved you when you changed jobs to try and do good for this world.
I loved you when we watched the beluga whales in Atlanta.
I loved you when you remembered my favorite color roses for my birthday.
I loved you when we made up from a fight by telling each other why we love each other so much.

I loved you when you proposed to me in Charleston.

And for a million other reasons I have loved you these past five years. And I know I'll find more reasons to love you from now on.

I'm so happy to call you my best friend.
I'm so blessed to call you my soul mate.
And I can't wait until I can call you my husband.

Happy anniversary.

Love always,


Anonymous social worker said...

awww, happy anniversary, you're so lucky you got someone one.
sometimes I feel like I'm gonna die alone with a cat, 2 ferrets and adog.

Maki said...

Awww Happy Anniversary, MJ!!!! It is always nice to know a couple so much in love.

You are both very happy and lovely together. CCheers to you and your Sunshine!!!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Oh no, this isn't a kissing post is it? Where's the swordfighting? Swordfighting is good...

Oh well, happy A!

Alison Purple said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful post. Congratulations on all the amazing times to come!

MJ said...

Franco - But dogs are such great companions! :D And they love you unconditionally.

Maki - Thanks!

VE - No swordfighting, but I promise no kissing. Thanks!

Alison - Thanks!