Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When you wish upon a caaaaar....

your dreeeeeams coooooome truuuuuuuue....

A New York company pledges to build the first models of a 106mpg "air car" by 2010.

Oh yeeeees, pahleeeease.

Note to Self: Not air like flying, but air like the stuff you breathe. I know, when I saw that headline I immediately thought "sweeeeet, take that you stupid Jetsons!"


Y of F said...

i want a flying car. but a 106mpg car would turn me on *almost* as much.

Anonymous said...

When you wish upon a hummer, you're bound for a bummer. Gas-mileage-wise that is.

MJ said...

SM - True. And if it would vroom like a Shelby, I'd pee in my pants.

MJ said...

Livin - Spoken like a true philosopher.

Anonymous said...

I buy one... or at least get on the extremely long list to buy one. I'm sure that will be the case.

pure evyl said...

This car would be perfect for me. If there is one thing that I have plenty of it's hot air.

MJ said...

PP - Yeah, definitely a long list I'm sure.

PE - Well, at least you could be your own source of energy then, lol.