Thursday, August 28, 2008

Note to Self:

I love it when you call me during the day at work to tell me things that aren't pressingly important.

I tell myself it must be because you miss me that much and just want to hear my voice.

I think that's because I miss you that much and just want to hear your voice.


Y of F said...

isnt it awesome that they just call to talk about nothing.. my man is not much of a phone guy, but its soo nice when he takes the time out.. its the subtle reminder that he thought about you, without provocation by you :)

p.s. out of the corner of my eye, i thought your fish was a brightly colored bug actually in my office crawling down my screen....(ive been here too long)

Anonymous said...

So, it didn't seem stalkerish when I called you at work to ask what I should blog about?

MJ said...

SM - Yeah, it must be something about cops, because mine isn't a phone guy either...

Livin - Not at all. Next time, try talking dirty to me :p

Anonymous said...

I love it too...sigh...especially when they start with, so what are YOU up too....
It's the small things...and yup - mine isn't a phone talker either...

Does yours go 'Standby' when he is trying to find something while on the phone?

MJ said...

LeoHubby - He usually says "hold on", but I'm sure one of these day's he'll slip. A lot of times when he's talking to me though, he'll forget that I still don't know all the codes and signals lol.

Anonymous said...

So, what are you wearing? ;)

MJ said...

Livin - An ugly ass uniform shirt and some slacks that I put on straight out of the dryer this morning without ironing them. Turned on? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Awww, that is sooo sweet. :) I'm very happy that you have a man that makes you feel loved.