Friday, July 11, 2008

Note to Idiots

Good morning. Things are worse. Physically and mentally. Nevertheless, I will truck through today's posting. No promises for the weekend though.

This week's note to idiots is dedicated to someone very near and dear to me:

Dear idiot who cut me off this morning,

I hate you. I hate you with everything that's in me. With my whole being.
Just because my car takes the extra five seconds to get up to speed after a red light does not mean you have the right to be an ass and squeeze between me and that rather large truck you tailgated. You could have waited those five seconds for my four-cylinder to kick into gear.
Instead, you forced me to project onto you my already foul mood this morning.
I had to actually slow down to let you cut me off, because I knew if I didn't you would just cause me or someone else to wreck. You simply pushed up your RPMs to feel like you were in the front, when really all you're doing is wasting gas.
And guess what - you ended up at the same light as me. Doesn't feel good to be tail-gated does it?
And since you didn't get much further ahead than me, despite all your efforts, I now know where you work. I plan to tailgate you ever day I see you going to and from work until I feel like not killing you by making you suck on your own exhaust fumes for cutting me off.
It's going to take a while though.
I hope hell for you is where you are stuck behind a slow person in the fast lane, and you can never get around them.

Have a nice day at work,

Note to Self: People really need to understand that I do my best not to take my bad moods out on the people I love. Now, total strangers, they're fair game.

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