Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Calling the

So, remember last year when An Inconvenient Truth came out and Al Gore was jumped on for having a home that consumed 20 times the energy of an average American home? Remember that?

Well as I'm sure you also know, good ol' Al immediately went on a crusade to make that same house more energy efficient. You know, to practice what he preaches/screams obnoxiously.

And our friends down at the Tennessee Center for Policy Research was nice enough to give us an update this month on Mr. Gore's success...

...Er... failure.

How 'bout his energy consumption, instead of decreasing over the last year, jumped 10% instead.

Note to Self: Anyone else remember that genius South Park episode about "smug"?


Anonymous said...

I'm going to take this opportunity to teach you a lesson in Blogging 101 (if you have yet to take this class, feel free to sign up at my website, registration is now open and ongoing until a random date, when the class begins) - you can not NOT blog for four days (like that? - not NOT and for four?) and then blog a bunch in one day. No, I'm sorry. Withdrawal has turned into an overdose. Are you trying to make me OD?

MJ said...

Livin - With my schedule, I can't not NOT blog for four day (WTH?).

The short answer, yes. I am trying to make you OD. I could have made you go into complete shock if I hadn't put off two more posts that I had written for the next day instead.

I promise to start scheduling better.

colbymarshall said...

I love your scheduling,'s like a little surprise when I come to your blog...I never know what's going to happen! You keep me on my toes :-)

MJ said...

CM - What good is life without spontaneity?

Anonymous said...

You have got to check out this YouTube video on the light bulb issue in Congress :-)

Anonymous said...

a true politician.

MJ said...

4HN - Truer words were never spoken.