Monday, February 25, 2008

"Changey, hope, hopey, change!"

With Hillary's election demise looking more inevitable, the race nevertheless begins to look scarier.

The outlook for Obama is a good one. I said the outlook is good for
Obama, not America.

The rise of Obama has initiated a rise in chippies (not to be confused with hippies). Chippies tend to be Obama supporters, refer to extreme socialism as "a good thing," and walk around screaming "CHANGE! HOPEY, HOPE, CHANGE! CHANGEY, HOPE!" all day long without ever giving any specifics as to what is to be changed and/or hoped for, much less how to initiate said change and/or hope.

One of the most critical debates for me in this election is this idea of national health care. Although it sounds so great that everyone in America should get free or cheap health care, that everyone could be healthy, and that our throats would be free from soreness to yell "CHANGE!" and "HOPE!" more - in a business sense, well, it makes no sense.

Having a family full of health care workers, and having worked in the business myself for quite some time, it is very obvious that this area of commerce is highly reliant on competition. Most of the reason it is so expensive now is from government regulation and the rising cost of medical (mal)practice insurance. Given, the regulations in place are for the safety of the consumer (such as requiring MDs to have a license), but do we really think MORE regulation is going to help? Haven't we learned already that the government is highly inefficient (example: all social services)? We really want to put our
lives in their hands?

Also, maybe if we didn't sue every time a loved one dies at the hands of a talented practitioner from natural causes prices wouldn't be so high. Don't get me wrong, if they amputate the wrong leg or take out your spleen instead of your appendix, sue all you want. But if your mother who is 82 years old and extremely overweight undergoes a colonoscopy against the advice of her gastroenterologist and dies as a result of asphyxiation (because she's
overweight and old), deal with it. You may win the suit, you may lose the suit, either way YOU are to blame for high health care prices. So don't cry to me about cost. I have no sympathy.

In short, if you want government health care, move to Canada. There you can revel in the two-year waiting list for a colonoscopy while the cancerous polyps overtake your intestine and you die a slow painful death. Don't even think about asking for "unnecessary services" like plastic surgery. It amazes me that so many celebrities are pushing for national health care, when we all know they would shrivel up without their face lifts, botox, and boob jobs.

Or you can try Britain, where professionals are leaving by the boatload to come to America (Hat Tip: Maybe there you can find a plumber with steady hands to be your heart surgeon.

I hope this post doesn't sound too callous for my readers, I do understand the hardship of rising prices in medical care - being a young, broke debt-ridden student myself. Sadly, I completely understand the need to at least impose something so that our children can get the health care they so desperately need, but limiting competition is not going to be the answer.

UPDATE: Speaking of health care, years of sexy dancing has become the downfall of Prince (or formerly known as, or that freakishly gay symbol - whatever he's calling himself now - I like to refer to him as "the Queen of Pop"). The gossip: he's getting a hip replacement.

UPDATE: Surprise, surprise. Barrack Obama' inadequacy has been compared to Jimmy Carter's failings. No matter how true it is, I still feel a little bad for the guy - Carter I mean.

UPDATE: NEWS FLASH! Obama stripped of his blackness! A bit from the hilarious fiends over at IMAO.

Note to Self: Looking down your nose at someone only lets them see you flaws (aka. boogers) more clearly.

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