Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Because Real Life is Boring

As exciting as my life tends to be (you know, going to work, attending classes, and being a generally "normal" broke post-college girl) it can get quite boring at times.

This is one of those times where everything is really hectic and stressful, yet so boring, that I'm afraid I might asphyxiate from the extreme boringness that is my life at this very moment.

I'm planning for a wedding, but I'm only in the icky reserve the church and reception site phase, not the shop for dresses and wedding favors, receive a ton of gifts, and get drunk with your girlfriends phase.

As you know, I'm searching for new employment. I even had an interview today that went quite well, but.... meh. The interview had me bored out of my mind. First of all, they surprised me by not just having one interviewer, but practically the entire office shut down to come in and ask me questions. It became quite apparent during the interview that they had misrepresented the job description quite a bit. "Some traveling involved" was on the online form. Right. Try being out of the office four out of five days and traveling weekends sometimes and working holidays. And not minor next-state-over travel, no, like GA to NY travel. Yes, that would be great. Try to plan a wedding but don't be in town for the majority of it. I'm sure that would work well.

Although my office is planning to cut my hours, they are still planning to employ me, which is nice. And I have actually found a company that is interested in contracting me out to do something with this ugly website. Ew. I don't even know where to start with that thing. But they would employ me to make up for the time and pay I will be losing at my current job (plus some). Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, especially since I may be getting a new Macbook Pro out of it. AAAAAAND... I could do it all from the peace and serenity of my own home on my days off.

So life is nice and boring...

Except for the job change, wedding planning, moving out of my apartment, shopping for homes with the cop, working on my MBA...

Yeah. Boring.

Note to Self: Buy a bigger calendar.


Alison Purple said...

by the way - I planned my entire wedding from NY to take place in NC. It is definitely do-able! traveling is fun, especially when work pays for it! But - NOT holidays!!

Sornie said...

If the interview had you bored, the outlook for something interesting in the job isn't exactly rosy.

Deputys Wife and Mommy To 3 said...

awwwwwwwwwww Good Luck with things.. Hey if you need a photographer let me know hahahahahah =) JK.. no im not i would totally do it for you.

Bobbinoggin said...

from the ugly site,

"if you can dream it, we can"

we can... WHAT? their logo isn't even a complete thought or concept! this is definitely the work of an engineer minded soul. i should know, i dated one.

they've got the concrete function down... but to entice people with a well rounded design, that would be utterly impossible. BAH.

i don't envy you for this project. but if you want to brainstorm navigation/information design or concept, feel free to email me at simp0491(at)gmail(dot)com.

much love,

Anonymous said...

Hi MJ,

Well, while I generally like boring, I must say that if AA doesn't fix up that site they may as well seal themselves into a big fiberglass hut and suffocate together. OMG!

the Grit

MJ said...

Alison - I'm sure it's doable, but is it worth my sanity? Probably not...

Sornie - So true. The people seemed really nice, but their smiles screamed "I hate my job!!!!"

DMC - I would hire you, ya know, if you weren't on the other side of the US :)

BN - It's there, it's just hard to see. I'm surprised you got that far anyway. As soon as it came up I think my eyes started bleeding...

Grit - I know, right?! Needs a total overhaul, including the logo. Perhaps I shall submit ideas for review on my blog when I start digging into it....

pure evyl said...

That is one crazy looking trike on the site.

Anonymous said...

House hunting with the cop...fun!!!

MJ said...

PE - I know. Everything on that website is totally outdated.

K - Yeah, I'm excited. Except we have no money, and there's no help for new home-buyers anymore now that all the banks refuse to give no or low down payment loans.