Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Picks Palin for VP!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand now I'm bored.

Note to Self: I hope McCain doesn't think picking a woman is going to distract us from the fact that he's older than dirt. *High fives Livin*


Sornie said...

Maybe Palin has invented a time machine and that's why McCain chose her.

MJ said...


I have to say that no matter which idiot gets elected, I am kind of excited at the prospect that there will be either an African American or a woman in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

*Fist bumps MJ*

Hmm, a younger woman... I see right through this too. Although, I was beginning to expect McCain to pick a young black man for his VP.

colbymarshall said...

I told you, Livin, that McCain was going to pick a young black man...well, I was wrong. But I knew he was going to try to balance himself out.

Anonymous said...

Colby - Is that were I got that idea? You need to stop implanting thoughts in my head.

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh out loud with this one.

MJ said...

Livin - There just aren't that many conservative republican black men. Is that an oxymoron? Beware the Colby.

CM - And so he did.

KM - Good to know that other people enjoy laughing at politics...

colbymarshall said...

Livin- I do plants thoughts in your head often, but it only works half the time. That's why I'm doing it more often these days...practice makes perfect.