Friday, August 29, 2008

Hot Blogger Calendar

I didn't even know this existed...

Anywho, Laurie K allowed a post by a guy named Ghost of Keywork to shamelessly promote himself for votes on the hot blogger calendar. If she allowed it, he must be something!

Well, I checked on his website, and he is a cutie and funny as shit to boot, and I'm all for being a blog whore (as you know) and making new blog friends...

So, if you get a moment in your busy day, go vote for him.

Note to Self: This is more a demand than a suggestion. Do it now, my bloggy minions! MUAHAHA!


Anonymous said...

That place was too big. I had to scroll sideways (or maximize my scrren - too lazy for that) to view the entire blog. Too big, I say, too big!

MJ said...

It is kind of big. It doesn't help that the header takes up so much space, but it's a pretty fun blog. Don't judge a blogger by his, um, layout. (?)

Reverend Ghost said...

Look, size matters. Don't lie and tell me it doesn't. I just wanted to make sure everyone gets a good look at me. You should be able to read the posts without scrolling sideways. Should. Thanks for the pimpage, MJ.

MJ said...

Look what you did Livin! Gettin' me in trouble...

GOK - Thanks for stopping by, and you're very welcome. Blog-whoring myself out for anonymous bloggers is nothing knew for me. Stop by any time.

Reverend Ghost said...

Will do, MJ.

MJ said...


Anonymous said...

"Should" is the operative word and it does not apply unless I maximize my screen. Note: I never have my screen maximized - I vote for efficiency of use over overwhelming size, any day. :)

Reverend Ghost said...

Yes, L, but efficiency isn't relative if you can't make contact.

MJ said...

All of a sudden there is the overwhelming stench of testosterone on my blog.... :D

Reverend Ghost said...

Sorry, it's what I bring.