Sunday, July 27, 2008


So there's another solar eclipse coming up, as if any of us just jump for joy anytime one of those comes around.

Personally, I think the moon is up to something. I mean, it could be that I'm becoming paranoid from lack of sleep, but I think that the moon has it out for us.

I'm thinking we should destroy it before it destroys us...

Maybe we should nuke it....


Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say hi!

Great work thus far! :) I would hang around and help try to keep you awake, but I'm on my way out the door to work!

Good luck! You're amazing!

MJ said...

:) Man! Work on the weekend? Yuck! Thanks for coming by!

Anonymous said...

Hi MJ,

Actually, the moon is plotting against us. It's orbit is slowly getting larger so that, in a few billion years or something like that, it'll go completely on its own way. It would appear that we've scared it off.

Mister Manly

MJ said...

Well, that just doesn't make any sense. Maybe it's because I'm running on a 30-minute cat nap, but I'm thinking that that would be a trick. It WANTS you to think we've scared it off. That will buy it time to plan its attack!