Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I always find interesting articles floating around out there, and I stock pile them in order to simply combine them into one good post. None of the following things has anything to do with each other:

Duh: Via Ace of Spades, an interesting study on the media bias of coverage in Iraq. It shows a positive correlation between bad news and heightened media coverage. Surprise, surprise. The MSM doesn't like to tell us when things are going well.

No Sh*p!: The newly christened U.S.S. New York is made from scrap steel salvaged from 9/11 Ground Zero. More information and a picture at Wikipedia.

Barrack Hopesndreams Obama: At least that's the middle name I would choose if I could officially change Obama's middle name (which apparently no one is allowed to say anymore). Some guy on eBay is auctioning of a real fake birth certificate for Obama. The winner will be allowed to change the middle name to something that can be spoken.

I love the 80's: Just kidding. Don't get me wrong, I was born in the 80's, but neon colors need to stay in the past. Apparently big poofy (read: unwashed, unbrushed) hair is back in style. At least according to this study done in the UK, brought to you by Ace of Spades. Next big trends to make a come back: smacking gum, parachute pants, and overuse of eye shadow.

Blogging to the Oldies: (Via Hot Air) A Discovery.com study shows that blogging may be good for your health - at least your mental health. It states that blogging makes people feel more connected to the outside world, and therefore, happier. I'm not sure about all that since no one ever really reads my blog, but I'm sure it has some merit for release of anger and frustration. I can't wait to see that Richard Simmons video - "And up! And down! And type! And... shake it ladies!"

Note to Self: Another good idea for an Obama middle name - In. Then it would be Barrack In Obama. Get it? Barrockin' Obama! He could play some AC/DC for entrance music. It would appeal more to that 80's loving crowd at least.

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