Friday, February 29, 2008

Trouble in Paradise

Our friends over at have been forced to shut down by the Associated Press due to what they deem "copyright infringement" from use of their photos

Clearly the use falls in the the "fair use exception" since it is used for commentary and reporting. The author also goes out of his way to credit the AP for the photos.

The AP obviously can't take criticism.
Either that, or they need to get a hobby.


Update (3/3/08): The website is still down, but there is now a long list of supportive bloggers on the front page - including mine! There's plenty of humorous analysis of the AP threat letter floating around the blogosphere, and I suggest you check it out for a good laugh. Oh, and in my rage I apparently forgot to add the usual Note to Self, so here you go:

Note to Self: People who are found incompetent at their job don't typically enjoy criticism.

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