So there has been so much hoop-lah in the Obama camp over the criticism of a photo of Obama dressed in traditional Somali elder garb. He claims that there's a smear campaign against him coming from the Hillary compound.
Seriously, I don't think he has much to worry about. Even a slightly creepy picture of him in a turban doesn't compare to the pictures going around of him in a cowboy hat. Either way, Obama has the charm to get away with it.
Hillary, on the other hand, doesn't even look right in normal clothes. Much less a witch hat.
I'd like to take a look at a few photos of Hillary over the years to show Obama he has nothing to worry about.
Here's a picture of Hillary beginning her life as a crazy hippie at Wellesley College.And one of her and Bill in the early days of being crazy hippies together.

I know I would. I mean, it's a great Popeye impression, and a great Popeye impression should definitely be a prerequisite to being President.
Note to Self: When choosing the day's attire, try not to become a walking cliche. Also, work on Popeye impression for White House bid.
1 comment:
Yes, there have been multiple photos in the news from when a public figure goes to a country where traditional garb is worn and they, too, wear the clothing...I seem to remember seeing a photo of Bush in some sort of kimono thing...
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