Monday, February 18, 2008

Notable Anniversaries

I will probably do a couple of posts today since I'm starting early.

I want to apologize for missing some of the anniversaries of my once favorite things: Legos and Michael Jackson's Thriller. And yes, I am old enough to remember Michael Jackson's pre-whacko life. Before Michael became a complete whackadoo*, he was actually a very talented entertainer. I always loved his videos and his music back in the day, but then he became white and everything went south.

Anyway, here's a video that pays homage to both Legos and that awesome music video/movie Thriller:

I'm not really sure who took the time to make this video - I imagine he is a little crazy himself - but it's great! Now they need to do a Barbie version of Bad. "Who's bad?"

*(Whackadoo - say: wack-a-do - origin: what I call the people my cop boyfriend deals with regularly - n. [1] a nut or crazy person [2] a mentally skewed person capable of strange or criminal acts [3] a person who has the inclination to do great harm to himself or others - Usage: "Oh honey, you look tired, you must have had to deal with lots of whackadoos today." or "Hillary is in town giving a speech. Prepare for all the whackadoos to come out from their hidey-holes!")

Note to Self: Avoid the whackadoos, or prepare to become one.

1 comment:

colbymarshall said...

Yep, that was the pre-I-cover-my-kids--faces-in-blankets (and name them Blanket) Michael. He was actually a pretty cool guy.